Wolf Blass Wine Tutor

Wolf Blass Wine Tutor mobile app

People love to learn more about their favourite wines, but very few have the opportunity – or inclination – to actually attend a wine tasting session. The new Wolf Blass Wine Tutor mobile app, created by Yield for Wolf Blass Wines puts this in a whole new perspective.

Yield was challenged by Wolf Blass to build upon their very successful in-store tasting program by taking it into the digital space. “We know that a high percentage of wine tasters buy Wolf Blass after tasting it,” said Wolf Blass Brand Manager, Andrew Frost, “but we are limited by provincial liquor boards as to how many tastings we can actually do.”

Yield came back with the idea of creating a tasting experience on a smartphone. “Wine drinkers are quite interested in the differences between grape varietals, but find formal wine tastings a bit daunting,” said Yield Creative Director, Chris Torbay. “We created an app that’s informative, but still a lot of fun. You put your smartphone on the table next to your two glasses of Wolf Blass, and the Wine Tutor does the rest. People can share the experience with friends at home, or at a bar or restaurant. Two glasses of wine and the app and you’re all set.”

The app is available on Blackberry, Apple and Android platforms at wolfblasstasting.ca or via the QR code below. It is being promoted in-store and through specialty wine magazines and online sites.

The app was built in-house by Yield Digital and the video filmed by Rob Quartly with Sugino Films.

Yield works with Porsche, Deloitte, Ontario Telemedicine Network, Richardson GMP, Alpha Trading, Treasury Wine Estates, Knightsbridge, Veisman Dental Centers and Hope Aero.