Ania Russocki joins Brad Usherwood as President of Brand Consultancy Yield.
In the words of Bob Dylan; ´Times they are a changin’.
Today’s world is filled with agencies of all kinds doing brand work that aims to move business.
Yet the environment this work is being generated for has changed dramatically. A very challenging economic market, ongoing wars that threaten peace, and corporate upheaval require a different kind of leadership, one that is more diverse, inclusive, empathetic, collaborative, and willing to do business from a broader place of love and understanding to generate sustainable ROI. Brands that win are ones that create these deeper, loving connections with their customers. Yielding results today require that agencies understand this global and evolving business context.
In 1989, Brad Usherwood founded Yield, building on his passion for brand strategy and creativity. Yield has since grown to become one of Canada’s longest-standing, independent, partner-owned brand consultancies. Brad’s father, Les Usherwood, established Typsettra and was an icon in the industry, known for his dedication to excellence. In honour of his legacy, the ADCC named its Lifetime Achievement Award after him and posthumously awarded him the inaugural honor following his passing in 1983.
Over 170 clients have collaborated with Yield as long-term partners or for individual assignments – from brands like Scotiabank International, Equifax and Porsche to more recent clients like Ontario Medical Association, Chartered Professional Accountants Canada and Pro-Demnity.
With a view to the continued evolution and innovation of Yield’s business and brand, the agency has announced the hire of Ania Russocki as its new President. Ania has an impressive client and agency side track record having worked in Toronto, Europe and the US at agencies such as Saatchi & Saatchi, Bates, DMB&B, Leo Burnett, Gee, Jeffery & Partners, Spencer Francy Peters and recently as GM of Pigeon Brands. Client-side, she held lead marketing positions at Rogers AT&T and the University of Toronto. Aside from excellence in team building, fostering company culture, client service and new business growth, what made Ania stand out is her courage and commitment to leading with heart and humanity. No longer considered the softer side of business, intuitive skills, emotional intelligence and a true ability to listen are some of today’s most sought-after skills needed to connect and truly partner with clients, understand and solve their brand challenges and produce work that stands out from the crowd.
“After 35 years in the business, I have to admit that I’m still learning new things. Hiring someone who is so likeable, so honest, so caring and so much fun is going to be a seismic shift in the culture here and a new day for the clients of Yield. She truly puts her heart into everything she does and I can’t wait for her to get started”.
Onwards and upwards.