Yield Branding Holiday Card
As a branding firm operating for over 30 years, Yield uses the holidays as a time to reach out and thank clients for their support during the past year, showcase their creative talents with potential clients and influencers in the market.
— Professional services
— Not-for-profit
Branding to
— Improve corporate reputation
— Become known
— Digital marketing & content
— Marketing collateral design
— Direct marketing

The Situation
Each year, Yield Branding produces a holiday message as a means of reaching out and thanking clients for their support during the year, but also to showcase our creative talents with potential clients and influencers in the market. Normally, the message has a humorous tone to it, but in 2018, we decided to touch our audiences in a more heart felt manner.
Human catalyst
Show that Yield Branding cares at Christmas

The Solution
We challenged our creative teams to each develop an interpretation of the theme CARE and design a postage stamp and a card around their original design. With four chosen designs, we created a unique package containing each of the four designs as a holiday card and a set of postage stamps with a matching design. Recipients were encouraged to use the cards and stamps to reach out to a loved one over the holiday season and show them how much they really cared.

The Yield
Packages were sent to 125 clients and friends of Yield Branding. While we don’t know how many used the cards we do know that a quarter of the recipients responded to thank us for sending them such a unique, thoughtful gift.