Shift Health
Shift Health is a consultancy devoted exclusively to healthcare, delivering convergent solutions anchored in incisive strategy and accountability to results. A partner of choice among healthcare and life sciences leaders worldwide, Shift Health works with governments, academia, healthcare providers, the not-for-profit sector and the biopharmaceutical and health technology industries.
— Professional services
— Consulting
Branding to
— Articulate value
— Become known
— Conquer new markets
— Brand naming
— Brand & value proposition strategy
— Brand identity & visual systems
— Website design & development

The Situation
SHI was a boutique-style healthcare consultancy based in Toronto, Canada with significant growth plans. They wanted to see their offering expand to include implementation oversight of the strategies they develop, as well as build their business in other regions, including the Middle East. The new Managing Partner wanted a new brand that would better reflect this expanded offering, while expressing the added value it would bring to prospective clients across diverse cultures, industry sectors and healthcare needs.
Human catalyst
Solving today’s healthcare challenges had become so multi-dimensional that traditional consulting approaches weren’t working like they used to.

Our Solution
Through stakeholder engagement we uncovered a distinctive and differentiating brand strength: that all their consultants had an ability to think about their strategies in a convergent way across sectors and jurisdictions. This made SHI’s solutions more transformative and became the impetus behind a new name and identity that reflected this unique attribute.
Renaming the organization SHIFT Health retained the equity of the original three-letter acronym SHI while emphasizing the core benefit of what this organization does for its clients. The new identity embodied the idea of convergent thinking while also symbolically representing the different sector areas of focus with the four converging chevrons. The brand story was encapsulated in the descriptor line:
“Healthsphere strategy & implementation”
The distinctive design and name – along with a clear description of what they did and in what areas they operated – became the starting point for a clearer and more compelling articulation of the organization’s story and brand strategy. This enabled all the consultants, partners and even clients to talk about the firm in a common and consistent way. We launched the new multi-channel branding campaign that included digital marketing, collateral and a website and demonstrated how Shift Health connects the strategic dots to create convergent, transformative healthcare solutions.

The Yield
The new branding played a significant role in the firm gaining important contracts in Saudi Arabia to improve healthcare infrastructure needed greatly in this region. This growth led to new partners joining the firm expanding their capabilities and global reach.