The Advantages Retirement Plan is an award winning pension-like retirement offering designed just for Physicians that is offered by the Ontario Medical Association to its members. It uses a sophisticated digital platform that enables physicians to sign up, create an account and manage their contributions into uniquely designed “Target Data” fund managed by Blackrock.
— Healthcare
— Associations
— Financial services
Branding to
— Grow marketshare
— Increase sales effectiveness
— Advertising & promotion
— Digital marketing & content
— Website design & development

The Situation
Like regular consumer investors, Doctors continued to experience draw downs on their current retirement investments due to market volatility, high inflation rates and global political issues like the war in Ukraine. This environment was creating uncertainty and concern about retirement time horizons, if they would have enough to retire or were they putting away enough. The OMA wanted to leverage this situation to highlight the stability and adaptive aspects of the Advantages Retirement Plan in hopes of getting members to shift their investment dollars into the plan.
The ARP brand had a well established creative platform that we created and then leveraged for this initiative which allowed for the rapid development and deployment of a comprehensive digital campaign in a highly cost efficient manner.
Human Catalyst
Doctors have always been held at a higher level of stature and they have the expectation to retire in a certain way.

The Solution
Using our “Reserve your retirement” brand value line we develop a camapign idea that taped into the insight that everyone including doctors have been busy booking their favorite places, trips, vacations and more. But are forgetting to book something far more important. Our campaign shuffled the priorities and reminded doctors that booking their retirement plan should be more important than booking that getaway. The landing page encouraged members to enroll in the plan before the RRSP tax deadline. Those who are not enrolled in a retirement savings program may begin to seek one out and those who are enrolled may be considering changes or shifts to maximize their opportunities for tax savings.

The Yield
With a limited media spend for the Campaign delivered top performance and efficiencies that resulted in over 2.5M impressions, 13,000 clicks to the landing page resulting in a significant increase in new clients signing up to the plan and AUM growth.