Hope Aero
Hope Aero is Canada’s leading overhaul specialist for aircraft propeller systems, reciprocating governors, wheels, and brakes, with extensive capabilities in non-destructive testing and dynamic balancing. The company services leading airlines and is an authorized repair facility and dealer for many of the world’s leading manufacturers, providing service options across a broad range of products.
— Service provider
— Services & manufacturing
— Transportation
Branding to
— Articulate value
— Gain share of wallet
— Increase sales effectiveness
— Grow marketshare
— Brand & value proposition strategy
— Marketing collateral design

The Situation
Hope Aero was the dominant player in aircraft maintenance primarily for propellers, wheels, and brakes. Their customers included the likes of Air Canada and WestJet as well as smaller aircraft providers which they served from their central location adjacent to Pearson Airport, Hamilton, Billy Bishop, Buttonville, and Downsview. Despite their client roster and growing business, the company was under extreme margin pressure from existing competitors and new entrants.
The brand’s long history as a family business, dating back to 1969, and rock-solid reputation wasn’t enough to support the brand and there was a need to engineer more value into Hope’s offering or see the business enter a downward decline. Until Yield Branding was engaged, Hope Aero had never worked with an outside branding firm and handled all of their marketing and advertising in house.
Human Catalyst
A plane on the ground is a plane that’s not making money.

Our Solution
After interviewing Purchasing Managers, QA Managers and Directors of Maintenance, we learned that they are under constant pressure from the Head of Operations to get aircraft maintenance as quickly and cost efficiently as possible. The need to meet regulatory standards means they won’t switch suppliers with proven quality easily.
Based on these insights, Yield Branding developed an omni-channel branding campaign that began with an identity refresh and new tagline “Good to Go” putting the benefit upfront in communications. The logo was designed to use to take the H and A in Hope Aero to form an aircraft runway.
The marketing collateral spoke to Hope Aero’s quality and attention to detail while the digital marketing and trade advertising, designed to source new prospects talked to the benefit of keeping planes in the air.

The Yield
The branding campaign was a break-through for the category and immediately tripled traffic to the website, generating increases in leads among smaller aircraft maintenance led by propeller work.