EnvisionIT – EUM
Extranet User Manager is a collaboration platform that allows organizations to onboard, share and collaborate with external users (partners, venders, contractors, etc.). The platform is made up of a portal that can manage users, documents, manage and publish content along with detailed analytics and reporting.
— Technology
— Service provider
Branding to
— Become known
— Articulate value
— Increase sales effectiveness
— Grow marketshare
— Conquer new markets
— Brand & value proposition strategy
— Website design & development
— Marketing collateral design

The Situation
Extranet User Manager was a relatively new offering that was struggling to convey its value in the market place to the point that its sales had plateaued. The product was complex in that it integrated multipul other platoforms together to achieve its value which made it difficult for prospects to understand how it was different and what the advantages were. In the past the client was reluctant to invest and spend on marketing which significantly limited the brand’s awareness and credibility.
Human Behaviour Catalyst
An organizations ability to move forward and be affective are stifled when different parts of the company can’t collaborate effectively.

The Solution
Through a series of branding strategic workshops we distilled down the core value of the brand that drove an overarching creative platform idea that was embodied in the visual of multi-person bicycle, symbolizing the power and efficiency of collaboration. This became a simple visual metaphor that resonated cross countries and cultural boundaries, while affectively communicating what the brand does. Additionally, we broke the offering down into four value pillars that enabled us to keep the story simple and succinct breaking down the complexity of the value story.
This creative platform was used as a centralizing idea for a branding campaign across all brand touchpoints to improve and expand awareness, understanding, and new client acquisition efforts. This concept was expressed through a newly designed website, brand video, digital advertising, tradeshow booth, marketing collateral, and demo presentation with a global audience.

The Yield
This work has enabled the brand to extend and expand its sales activity in to 8 countries including the US, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. This resulted in doubling recurring revenue and the number of contracts in the last 12 months. Additionally, they we able to secure 7 figure funding to help continue to fuel growth and scale up of the business.