Arrow Capital
Arrow Capital Management is an employee-owned company, founded in 1999 in Toronto. Arrow’s expertise in active portfolio management and manager selection is evident in its strong, diverse platform, which provides clients with access to a global selection of actively managed investment funds. In December of 2013, Arrow acquired BluMont Capital adding the Exemplar range of prospectus-based solutions to its platform, expanding its range of products and catering to a wider client base.
— Financial services
— Asset management
Branding to
— Articulate value
— Grow marketshare
— Be better understood
— Become known
— Brand & value proposition strategy
— Website design & development

The Situation
Arrow Capital had been in business since 1999 but only recently had entered an upward growth trajectory growing their AUM +50% thanks to increasing demand for their MFDA product and good performance in difficult markets. Despite that success, the brand was relatively unknown considering their long tenure and had only scratched the surface of the 90,000 wealth advisor market with 1,500 clients. The firm had a distinct profile and offering but was failing to communicate that difference through their website or any other client touch points.
Human Catalyst
Advisors need to demonstrate their expertise by bringing their clients unique investment alternatives that exceed expected returns while balancing risk.

The Solution
Following an in depth strategic planning workshop with senior Arrow leadership and sales, Yield Branding proposed a brand strategy and positioning that would profile how Arrow’s unique offering of funds, boutique size and blend of expertise and experience separated it from the pack. The brand strategy resulted in a creative platform that was themed on “The Uncommon Path to Investing.” Graphically the branding incorporated rare, unusual elements of the natural world such as the Northern Lights or the Baobab trees of Madagascar to vividly illustrate the uncommon path. This became the design system for the website, the first and most critical brand touch point. Functionally, the website UX was designed to meet the needs of time-starved Wealth Advisors who need a fast, accurate filtering system to source the key fund information their clients require.

The Yield
The website launched in April, 2022 and has already doubled the traffic to the site of the previous site as well as receiving positive anecdotal feedback from wealth advisors.